Choose the right form, 2023


“Choose the right form” - one of the most common tasks I encountered while studying the Estonian language. I often heard this command during tests, exercises, and in written assignments.

During this time, I thought that a person encounters the same command in other areas as well - they must choose and adapt different "forms". As part of society, we must adhere to norms and rules. We change our "form" depending on the circumstances, the place we are in, and with whom we are interacting. In one case, we may think that one "correct form" is appropriate, while in another case, it may be different.

In this project, I wanted to capture the interaction between the body (as a part given to us by nature) and the urban space (as an environment that created by humans).

When I was looking for my characters for this project, it wasn’t important female person or not would be participate. The result of my searching is that only women were agreed to participate. I think that also became of an important part of my project.

I asked heroes of my project try to "choose the right form" of their bodies in an urban environment. Is this form “correct”? And what does “the correct form” mean in this case?


Natalia Kondratenko ©
